Management System Yoga, Pilates, Physiotherapy Clinic, Functional Training, Dance, Aesthetics, Martial Arts, Clinics in general and some school models

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The trial is free *
Topo Sofware Life

Roles and Features

There are several features and functions. Every month we launch a new and innovative feature.


Simple, efficient and complete registration of its customers.

Wellhub [Gympass]

Full Gympass integration, with Schedule and CheckIn. All automated and controlled. Your customer is free to choose.


Integração TotalPass, integração com CheckIn dos alunos (em breve agendamento).

Link to Instagram and Websites

Create a custom link so that your customers can schedule their own schedules. And for new clients to schedule classes/experimental sessions. The link can be shared via Instagram, Facebook or WhatsApp

Check-In (Presence Confirmation)

It is sent to the CLASSROOM SMS/Whatsapp, a link to confirm Presence or Lack in advance and the client there can reschedule your class.

Signing Contracts

Company and customers, digitally sign service contracts. Contracts and subscriptions are stored digitally.

License Plate Control

Too much information and everything automatic. Giving peace of mind in scheduling classes.

Super Schedule

For what simpler than a schedule much like your mobile phone?

Mobile and Tablet

System fits properly on your smartphone and tablet, perfect for controlling your studio from a distance.

Accounts Payable/Receivable

Complete Accounts Payable/Receivable system. Integrated with the control of Monthly Fees. Issuing Receipts

Cash Flow

Track all entries and outflows of company financial resources day by day or month by month.

Monthly Payment Control

You'll get an overview of your financial. And students/customers still receive two days before an SMS remembering the payment.

Recorrência *

Cobrança por recorrência, descontando mensalmente do cartão de crédito dos alunos/pacientes.
* é necessário ter uma conta Asaas

Notas Fiscais *

Emissão de Notas Fiscais, de forma automática e integrado as mensalidades dos alunos.
* é necessário possuir créditos e ter uma conta Asaas

Experimental Classes and Reappointments

Control over experimental class schedules. Class reschedules, all in one calendar you already know.

Always Up to Date

System will have constant update every month. And we are open to suggestions, just let us know, we will do and we will not charge for it.

Sending MKT Messages

Create amazing texts using our integration with ChatGPT and send Emails, SMS and Whatsapp. * about the sending limits, access the software

SMS and WhatsApp

Send SMS of lessons, charges, birthday to your clients. Sending via Whatsapp is free.

Virtual Classes/Attendances

You can give your classes virtually, using your WebCam, using Meet, Zoom and etc.

Student/Patient Portal

Your Students/Patients, have access to your personal schedule, can notify lack or presence, reschedule their schedules, view their financials and registration data.

Photo Comparison

You can compare the photos sent in the evaluation sheets, so see the patient's improvement.

Manage Documents and Ates

Save all Exams and Patient/Student Hisds. Also generate attested directly in the system.

Evaluations and Evolution

Evolutions by attendance, history of evolutions, complete model Evaluation Form, comparison of evaluations.

Inventory Control (Sales and Purchases)

Control your sales and purchases efficiently and speedily. Manage your product inventory, register suppliers, identify your best-selling products.


Generate complete medical records, with history of your patient/client. With information about all the service and evolution.

Full Support

Dynamic support by Email or Whatsapp. We always answer all questions, accept many suggestions, and always solve your questions. A support that meets even, no queue. Monday to Friday.

Access Now

You want to meet for free? Sign up now (limited to 5 students) and no time limit to test.
You can test without having to talk to anyone, feel free. We do not request payment data in demo mode. If in doubt we call in our support via WhatsApp.

Our signature is:

  • No student limit
  • No teacher limit
  • No room limit
  • Support via Email and Whatsapp

We've been on the air since 2014, evolving every month. Always with a new feature. There are more than 3,800 companies using our system. 7 million student attendances. 150,000 SMS and WhatsApp messages sent per month. System companies in 5 countries.


You choose the best payment method (by registering in the Settings Menu / Your Monthly Fee)

14.00/ Monthly * Monthly
em € euros

Sign up

72.00/ biannual Igual a 12.00 por mês *
em € euros

Sign up

120.00/ annual Igual a 10.00 por mês *
em € euros

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Software Adapted for Brazil and Portugal
  • Why the name Pilates Software?

    We started as an initiative to facilitate small pilates studios in 2014, but gradually many other segments liked the way we deal with their registrations and agenda. Today our system serves several segments in addition to health and well-being, for example: language schools, riding schools, dentistry clinics, aesthetics and many others. Soon we will consolidate and adapt the system to all segments.

  • We created this system with the idea of being SIMPLE and totally easy to use. No millions of complicated fields, screens, and functions that a company won't use. We are sincere and loyal to what we do.

  • Completely safe. The data is stored in the United States in amazon AWS. 100% online, you will never be without your system. So the system is perfect even on a cellular internet (3G). What about your data? All protected, NO SPAMS will be made, content sale, sharing and etc. What is yours, is yours.

  • From the point of view of the need of micro and small businesses need, for sure. But we will always be improving and adding new features. We have as a goal, add a new feature per month. We accept suggestions. Tell us what you want (by chat when logged in) and we'll exchange an idea.

  • Yes, you can cancel whenever you want. Just do not renew anymore, or if it is a semiannual or annual plan, simply request a refund (according to the rules of the contract). But feel free to test first, no timeout.


Studio Pluri


Gostaria de deixar um depoimento para elogiar o software Pilates ☺️ Desde o momento em que comecei a utilizá-lo, fiquei impressionado com sua funcionalidade e facilidade de uso. A interface do software é intuitiva e bem organizada, o que facilitou muito a minha adaptação e me permitiu começar a utilizá-lo rapidamente, sem perder tempo com complicações técnicas. Uma das coisas que mais me surpreendeu foi a eficiência do software Pilates. Percebi que as tarefas que costumavam levar horas agora são concluídas em questão de minutos, economizando um tempo valioso no meu dia. Outro ponto forte é a equipe de suporte por trás do software. Sempre que tive alguma dúvida ou problema, recebi um atendimento rápido e amigável, o que me deixou ainda mais confiante em utilizar o programa. Além disso, a constante atualização do software com novos recursos e melhorias demonstra o comprometimento da equipe em fornecer a melhor experiência possível aos usuários. Recomendo o software Pilates a todos que buscam uma solução completa, confiável e eficiente. Com certeza, ele se tornou uma ferramenta indispensável no meu trabalho diário. Parabéns à equipe por criar um produto tão excepcional!

Studio de Dança 78


O aplicativo é bastante intuitivo e fácil de mexer, estou a pouco mais de uma semana usando ele no no meu Studio de Dança e tanto eu quanto as alunas estão gostando bastante. Pois assim podem acompanhar melhor a evolução nas aulas. Outro ponto positivo é que estou conseguindo me organizar financeiramente, já que o próprio software faz todos os cálculos.

Matheus Douglas Fisioterapeuta


É ótimo o sistema, consigo marcar minhas consultas, aulas de pilates, realizar a matrícula dos alunos e o mais importante que nele consigo todo o meu controle financeiro de quem pagou, atrasou e ainda falta pagar. Outro coisa que amei foi a questão da avaliação que consigo deixar arquivada é totalmente digital com acesso total assim economizando o meu tempo e custo com papel. Eu to amando.

Fabíola Conrado Pilates e Saúde


Eu gosto muito do sistema....já uso há 3 anos....bem completo...sempre melhorando...nunca tive problemas

Movimento Pilates Studio


Acho muito legal a forma simples e prática que as informações são mostradas. O layout das informações são ótimos e facilita no dia a dia. Para o meu dia a dia o sistema me deixa bem satisfeito.

Studio Pilates K 2


Estou adorando o sistema de vocês, sem dúvidas indico para vários amigos🔝🔝🔝🔝🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩

Studio Corpore


Estou bem satisfeita com o sistema! As melhorias que vocês tem feito são excelentes! Plataforma de fácil acesso e manuseio!👏🏼

Viva Mais Pilates


Está ajudando muito, principalmente após a integração com o Gympass. Gostei tbem da opção de escolher a sala quando agenda reposição de aula.

Clinica La Posture

Estou gostando muito do sistema, bem prático e intuitivo! O agendamento online para o cliente - facilita muito a nossa rotina e tbm do cliente, nos dando mais autonomia e tempo para outras tarefas.


Contact us and ask your questions.
You can test without having to talk to anyone, feel free. If in doubt we call in our support via WhatsApp.


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